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God's Benefits for His People:

God’s Benefits for His People  



2 Bless the LORD, O my soul,

And forget not all his benefits:

  God's benefits for me  . . . 

- I am FORGIVEN (Ps. 103:3)


- I am HEALED (Ps. 103:3)


- I am REDEEMED (Ps. 103:4)


- I am CROWNED (Ps. 103:4)


- I am SATISFIED & RENEWED (Ps. 103:5)


- I am DEFENDED & DELIVERED (Ps. 103:6)


- I am INFORMED (Ps. 103:7)


- I am GRACED (Ps. 103:8)

- I am LOVED (Ps. 103:13)


- I am REMEMBERED (Ps. 103:14)


Instructions for your stone:

1. Write on one side of your stone the (above) benefit that best describes what God has done for you. 

2. Write on the other side of your stone the word that describes what you were going through. {Ex: Healed, from Covid, Year | Redeemed, car accident, Year } 

3. Write the date.

4. Place your stone in a significant place.

5. Retell what God did for you and why you have a stone of remembrance every time someone asks you about it.


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